Saturday, July 22, 2023

Or As Jane Calls Him, "Young Thomas"

If Tom chooses to celebrate National Thomas Day by stuffing his face with junk food, then who am I to stop him? I just hope he made sure that the gummi bears weren't already reserved for an art project. As for Tommy Sherman, well, he can get his own holiday. Preferably one about massive head injuries.

Travis, meanwhile, will be pleased to know that it's also National Day of the Cowboy. Of course, wearing a cowboy hat and playing a guitar does not a cowboy make, so I'll reserve judgment until I see him ride. And by "ride" I mean dive out of the way of crazed homicidal teenage drivers.

Speaking of Daria, today is World Brain Day and I hope she celebrates by...I don't know, thinking or something. At the very least I hope she's able to keep a safe distance between herself and any non-brains, for everyone's sake.

Fanfic Update!
  • Daria: Cynic the Superheroine, by Meester_Lee (part 2): "She got home in a couple of hours and let herself in after thanking Joe for the ride and giving him some bills to help with gas money."

  • Daria's Lifeline, by Faith64 (COMPLETE!): "Daria held the phone in her hand, hovering one finger over the keypad. She knew the number well enough, having called it in more than one moment of emotional crisis."

  • Friend of a Friend, by Doggodoaattack (part 6): "The next day after school, Daria found herself pacing back and forth in her room. Her ‘not a date’ with Charlie had been the only thing on her mind all day."

  • Grant Writer's Block, by welltemperedclavier (parts 7 - 9): "Daria had always been the stoic Morgendorffer. Even more so than mom, she’d stay calm in the wildest situation." (Part 8) (Part 9)

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