Thursday, May 9, 2024

To Plummet Will Be an Awfully Big Adventure!

Mr. O'Neill is living out his dream of never growing up just in time for the anniversary of J. M. Barrie's birth in 1860. Let's just hope for his sake that the stage hands haven't had to listen to his speeches on self-actualization, because the temptation to let him fall would be very strong.

Everybody keep thinking happy thoughts, and if yours involves finding that missing sock you've been looking for then all the better because it's Lost Sock Memorial Day! I suggest checking the arm of Jane's jacket, especially if she's been spending time in the laundry room with Bobby Bighead.

The Fashion Club might like to know that today is National Sleepover Day, but given how the last one went I suppose they might not. One more sleepover and those haircut dream sequences may not be dreams anymore.

Fanfic Update!
  • Ghosting Quinn, by wilddogjj (part 1): "Quinn and her husband, Jim, were in the kitchen beginning to make Sunday dinner. They were making a classic Carbone standby, spaghetti with Sunday gravy (a homemade, meat heavy tomato sauce that's a staple of Italian-American cuisine)."

  • Katie Huegel, by Meester_Lee (part 6): "Trent awoke to the sound of someone playing an electric guitar. He briefly wondered why somebody was playing an electric guitar in the basement?"

  • A November of Change, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 1): "Daria Morgendorffer returned to her dorm room after her American Literature class. 'Not everthing that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced,' she thought."

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