Monday, July 15, 2019


Jake, Helen, and Daria are sharing a tender family moment for Global Hug Your Kids Day. Meanwhile, Quinn is...well, Quinn's probably hugging her mirror somewhere.

Today is also National Gummi Worm Day, but don't touch the ones in the bowl on the counter. Jane needs them for an art project, and she'll be pissed if you eat them.

Fanfic Update!
  • Daria Ravenclaw: The Highland Years, by Meester_Lee (parts 71 and 72): "Despite their fatigue after a day of hiking and sight-seeing, the Morgendorffer girls still had enough energy to accompany Jake to the community campfire." (Part 72)

  • Daria's Great Adventure, by dmsfanman (part 27): "Daria was happy that she was sitting in the inflatable habitat. Tom and Shamus had taken Herman with them to start observing and recording the information about anti-gravity technology."

  • Daria vs. Terfs, by Peridaniel (part 4): "'You know, Daria,' Quinn began as she prepared herself a bowl of cereal, 'since you're under my command or whatever now, maybe you should start being more respectful of me.'"

  • The Date, by elainefr (part 14): "Okay, this is no big deal. It's just dinner with Tom- who is my boyfriend- who has wanted to spend more and more time with me- who might misread this whole thing and think that something more is supposed to happen. I'm over thinking again. It's dinner and that is all."

  • Happy Adversity, by Lady Evil (part 2): "'Couldn't we have left the squad car door ajar or at least unlocked?' Officer Wildman asked his partner as they approached the Morgendorfer's front door. 'I wouldn't mind having an excuse to work that scum over again!'"

  • Kevin The Bounty Hunter (Life After Thirty), by WildDogJJ (part 1): "Kevin is waiting in line to have his driver's license renewed. He notices the guy in front of him is wearing a dark blue cap."

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