Friday, July 16, 2021

Insert Your Own Snake/Lawyer Joke Here

I think Helen is overachieving for World Snake Day, but I guess we shouldn't have expected anything less. Maybe she could put the bow and arrow down, though.

Today is also the anniversary of the Apollo 11 spaceflight, so all you space nerds in fandom should party hard.

Fanfic Update!
  • Alone Again, Inevitably (Linn's short stories (or ficlets, drabbles...)), by Linnofthewoods (COMPLETE!): "Jane couldn't sleep. The past two months with her beloved Alan at her side had come to an abrupt end with a phone call he'd gotten during dinner the night before."

  • Daria on the Trail (Daria Landing In Another Fanfiction: An Experiment), by Meester_Lee (part 6): "They’d gotten down from Scott’s Bluff, then circled the wagons and made camp a couple of miles further west."

  • Daria's Cruise, by Meester_Lee (part 1): "It started in a United Grocery parking lot."

  • I'm Just Drawn That Way, by Honey-On-Toast (part 1): "Helen had no choice but to forgive her daughter. She'd gone so far as to consider the alternative and tried. And that was really all she could ask for."

  • Oh, Sister (The Carbones), by Oh, Sister (part 1): "It's morning and Jim is waking up. As he emerges from bed 1950's jazz music plays."

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