Thursday, January 20, 2022

Cheesy Penguins?

Sandi's trying out a new look for Penguin Awareness Day, and I don't think Waif Magazine would approve. So, if you see a penguin today, wish it a happy holiday!

Today is also National Cheese Lover Day, so it would be a good day to stick your entire head in the fridge and talk about how much you love cheese in a squeaky squirrel voice. Or maybe that's just Jake.

Fanfic Update!
  • Ape Rape (Scenes No Daria fanfic should have: The Closing Walls of Schloss Morgendorffer and Casa Lane), by Smijey (COMPLETE!): "'Honey?' Daria looked up from her work. She was revising what would hopefully be the final draft of her new Melody Powers novel."

  • Daria in the Background, by cfardellbrenorenz29 (part 7): "'In Economics, we call this flow,' Mrs. Diane Bennett said. 'We have a scenario of supply and demand, where a new demand is created by a previous supply. Does everyone follow?'"

  • Fizzled Out, by Erin M (COMPLETE!): "The week progressed, and it was on Wednesday when Leonard Lamm tightened the noose even further."

  • High School Never Ends, by WildDogJJ (part 2): "The regional MTA train from New York arrived at the station. The regional MTA was a commuter line running from New York City to Philadelphia, and one of the stops on the line is Lawndale."

  • In Morning, by hideousmirror (COMPLETE!): "Waning orange sunlight filled the house as she silently padded her way to her love’s art studio, carefully as not to disturb the creaky floor boards."

  • Made in America, by ladyevil (part 6): "'All right, here's the plan.' Trent said as he drove up to Lawndale High with Jane and Daria. 'I'll sit right here with my foot on the accelerator, ready to burn rubber.'"

  • Tall like me, by ST91 (part 3): "Some things never change. Thought Daria as her gaze wandered from one side to the other of Mrs. Manson's study."

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