Wednesday, December 13, 2023


I see that Jake and Helen are enjoying National Horse Day. Perhaps enjoying it a little too much. I guess what two consenting adults get up to in the privacy of their own home is between them...and the teenagers who'd better hope they don't walk in at an inopportune moment.

In fact, it might be a good idea for Daria and Quinn to celebrate Ice Cream Day by going out for a cone or dish of their favorite flavors. Might I suggest Firstdown Fudge, courtesy of the Bro and QB Ice Cream Company?

Considering that, at least in the Northern Hemisphere, it's a bit cold for ice cream, you could also choose to observe National Cocoa Day instead. Quinn can even tell us all about that TV movie about the really cute family of teens who drank cocoa during a hurricane.

Fanfic Update!
  • Merry Stressmas, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "In the living room was a fully decorated Christmas tree while Teddy Carbone and his best/only friend, Rachel White, were watching TV." (Part 2) (Part 3)

  • A Variant Lawndale, by cfardellbrenorenz29 (part 4): "Jane paddled out to the wave and started to surf. However, there was trouble. Tori had entered straight after her and was dropping in on her."

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