Thursday, December 21, 2023

This Holiday is a Little TOO Bright

Half of Lawndale appears to be celebrating National Flashlight Day, but I really don't think wandering around the woods is the best place to celebrate. Especially because there's a high chance that they're freaking out the other half of Lawndale right now.

On the other hand, perhaps they're just taking a super literal approach to Look on the Bright Side Day, in which case they're going a little overboard. I really think one flashlight would have been plenty.

Last but not least (unless there's a pun involved), today is National Short Girl Appreciation Day. Since Daria and I are both the same height--five feet, two inches--I think we should both get a little recognition. And maybe some help reaching that thing on the top shelf.

Fanfic Update!
  • Daria Enrolls at Nevermore, by Meester_Lee (part 13): "Classes started bright and early the following morning, much to Daria’s distaste. Her first class wasn’t really a class, at least not yet: it was a testing session to see how much magic Nevermore’s newly-arrived witches and wizards knew or could perform."

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