Tuesday, March 26, 2024

I DO Wanna Be All By Myself!

Daria is enjoying Solitude Day to the fullest, because nothing beats being alone in a room when you're an introvert. Of course, it's only a matter of time before Helen knocks on the door to ask her about some new social opportunity or Quinn bursts in to complain, but she can enjoy it while it lasts.

I hope Jodie and her family don't get too excited about National Landon Day, because the holiday is for people with the first name Landon. So close, yet so far away.

On this day in 2001, the episode "Lucky Strike" first aired. Although the most notable moment in the episode was Quinn finally acknowledging Daria as her sister, I think we should also take a moment to appreciate Daria's "angel vs. devil" exchange in Ms. Li's office. Classic.

Fanfic Update!
  • Flaw of Attraction, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "Quinn, Jim and Chris were tied up on the bed while Chris's psychotic girlfriend was threatening them at gunpoint."

  • Spider Quinn 07: Ashes to Ashes, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (COMPLETE!): "Quinn heard a knock at the bedroom door. Just as well she wasn’t doing something SpiderGirl related."

  • Stranger Without Time, by radiofox (part 11): "'Hey, Dad.' Quinn opened the door to her father's car. 'Hey kiddo, How'd it go?' Jake turned around to face his daughter.

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