Friday, March 15, 2019

Toga Party!

It's the Ides of March and Daria's dressed for the occasion! I'm not sure if she's planning to be a stabber, a stabbee, or just sit back and watch the fun, but for now I'll just leave you all with Kevin's wise words on the subject:
Mr. O'Neill: All right, why did the soothsayer tell Caesar to "Beware of the Ides of March?" Who wants to "take a stab"? Kevin?

Kevin: Um, because the Ides were gonna do something mean to him?

Mr. O'Neill: The Ides aren't people; they're a time of the month.

Kevin: Eww, gross! Well, there's your answer.
Fortunately, that thought fits right in with today's other holiday, Everything You Think is Wrong Day. This day is truer for some (cough, Kevin) than others, but I'd try not to make any major decisions today just in case.

Fandom News!

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