Sunday, June 4, 2023

"Gimme cheese! I want cheese!"

Jake's on the hunt for a snack with which he can properly celebrate National Cheese Day, but Helen would like to remind him about what the doctor said about cheese. What did the doctor tell him about cheese? I guess we'll never know.

If you're out of cheese, you could always stop by Payday for a free sample of cheese logs...or at least I assume they're real cheese. Who knows? Either way, be sure to use your cart responsiblity because it's Shopping Cart Day! That means no ramming rival customers with it to keep them from getting your cheese log.

Finally, if you just don't want any cheese, why not bake some cookies with Helen and Rita on the anniversary of the episode "Aunt Nauseam," which aired on this day in 2001? Don't worry; the chocolate chips are already in the dough.

Fanfic Update!
  • Circle of Strife, by wilddogjj (parts 5 and 6): "Nicole was at the bridal shop for a dress fitting. As the seamstress was making some tweaks to the beautiful white dress Nicole was practically gushing." (Part 6)

  • The First Day of Christmas Break, by chaoslordsquidward (COMPLETE!): "Daria and Jane entered the new Lawndale Internet Cafe. Winter break has just begun for both of them. They decided to meet Quinn after school."

  • Pokemon – Ash talks to Dialga and Palkia, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (COMPLETE!): "It worked. The two Electric types were able to start the mechanism."

  • Stranger Without Time, by radiofox (part 9): "When Anna arrived at school, she saw a poster for track and field tryouts."

1 comment:

fardell34 said...

Actually, Ash talks to Dialga amd Palkia is more of a one shot.