Monday, June 26, 2023

I Hope Jake Made an Extra-Special Hobbit Candle For the Occasion!

Happy anniversary to Helen and Jake, who made their commitment vows on this day in 1975! I assume that's when they got married, but "Committed" by Mike Xeno has another, more interesting take on the day.

Let's all celebrate their anniversary (maybe) with some chocolate pudding for National Chocolate Pudding Day, and join Daria and Brittany in their shared disgust for when the pudding has skin. Yuck.

Finally, here's a shout-out to Zachary for National Zachary Day! Do I mean Zachary the guy who was briefly seen being mistreated by Quinn in "Monster" or do I mean Zachary the never-seen cat belonging to the Lane family? You decide!

Fandom News!

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