Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Boxing Brittany

Brittany is making sure everyone knows that today is National Kangaroo Awareness Day, and it's kind of hard not to be aware of a giant kangaroo with blond ponytails. Of course, if that doesn't do the trick, I'm sure Brittany's killer right hook would get anyone's attention.

I hope she'll stop and have a snack, though, because it's also Food Day and I don't want to see what her temper is like when she's hangry. I'm sure no one does, least of all Kevin. Quick! Someone go get a cheeseless bell pepper pizza!

Finally, on this day in 2000, Wraith posted an essay on the episode "See Jane Run." It's not very long, but it's a great snapshot of what fan reactions to the show were like while the show was still airing.

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