Saturday, October 28, 2023

Trick or Treat, Hug a Sheep, Give Me Something Plush to Squeeze!

Little Daria's got her costume and her candy bucket all ready for National Trick or Treat Day, and I hope she gets plenty of ZooZoo Drops and Juicy Joes! Jane should steer clear of those blue M&Ms she hates so much, but I'll happily take them off her hands if she doesn't want them.

Be on the lookout for anyone in a sheep costume, because it's Hug a Sheep Day! If you want to hug an actual sheep, just take Quinn's advice and avoid the dirty ones. Ewwwwww!

I suppose Quinn would be better off hugging a stuffed sheep, which is great because it's Plush Animal Lover’s Day! I'm sure Mrs. Bennett will be collecting some extra Fuzzy Wuzzy Wee Bits today, although it wouldn't surprise me if she and Herbert have already gotten every single one in existence.

Fandom News!

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