Monday, November 13, 2023

A Rare Tender Lane Family Moment

Jane seems pleased enough to celebrate National Hug a Musician Day, but probably only because it's Trent. I suspect Nick and Max would not be so lucky. Jesse, on the other hand? Hmmm....

This hug is especially appropriate because it's Caregiver Appreciation Day! Of course, it's up for some debate which of the two takes care of the other, but I think it's safe to say they both had more of a role in each other's upbringing than their parents did.

Finally, let's all enjoy World Kindness Day, not necessarily by hugging anyone (especially if they'd prefer you didn't), but just by treating everyone as well as we can. Even Daria, blunt and cynical as she was, did show kindness at least occasionally. Generally when no one was looking.

Fandom News!

1 comment:

Zetbet said...

Your post was a joy to read. Thank you for sharing your knowledge!