Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Rah, Rah, RAWR!

Brittany is daring anyone who's brave enough to just try to celebrate Slay a Dragon Day. I'd advise against it, though, because she can be vicious even when she isn't a fifty-foot-tall fire-breathing monster.

Everyone would be better off heading to the "cinema" for Movie Theatre Day instead, and you can even bring vegetables to throw at the screen if you want! If Jake is there, please tell him that "the crow flies at midnight." Or was it "the pigeons are at rest"?

On second thought, perhaps it would be safer to just stay home and enjoy World Book Day. I know that's what Daria would do, and I happen to think it's a great idea.

Fanfic Update!
  • Homecoming, by davidfalkayn (part 23): "'I think that’s the first time I’ve had real homemade blueberry pancakes.' Luciano exclaimed with delight as he gulped down the last morsel on his plate."

  • Spider Quinn 08 The Three Misfits, by cfardellbrenorenz29 (part 3): "Then there was an interruption 'Quinn!' It was Ted Dewit-Clinton, who had just entered the store."

  • The Witch and The Ring, by Sheila Wisz Ellayn (COMPLETE!): "The sudden sickness and death of Sandi Griffin became the greatest medical mystery that the town had ever known."

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