Wednesday, June 8, 2011

"Gee, look at the time. 1984 already."

It was on this day in 1949 that George Orwell's dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four was published. In addition to the above quote from "Psycho Therapy," the book is also referenced in "Write Where It Hurts" as one of the reading choices in Mr. O'Neill's class.

In fan-fiction, Thomas Mikkelsen's A Stacy Orange, Brother Grimace's Victory Lane, and The Angst Guy's Daria 2007: The Girl from Hope all refer to the novel to varying degrees.

And now over to Big Brother with the latest fandom news!

1 comment:

InvisibleDan said...

As a big Orwell fan, I have to say 2+2=5. I think Daria would be comfortable living on Airstrip One because she already has experience being in a dystopian nightmare, Lawndale High.