Monday, September 2, 2024

Calendar Girl

Quinn is checking to make sure the family calendar is correct for Calendar Adjustment Day, but I don't think she has anything to worry about. On Daria, every day is somehow May 12, so there isn't much adjusting required.

Today, however, is Labor Day so if you have the day off then be sure to enjoy it but also thank the labor movement for making it possible! I suppose it goes without saying that Helen will be working, but no one is surprised by that.

If Daria feels like taking another chance on Axl's, she could get her ears pierced in celebration of Pierce Your Ears Day. Just don't bring Trent along, because that never ends well.

Fanfic Update!
  • Reverse the Chase, by BracedRhombus (part 6): "When they finally pulled up to Charlene's house, she let out a breath she hadn’t realized she’d been holding. 'Made it.'"

  • Spider Quinn 11 The Huntsmans, by cfardellbrenorenz29 (part 4): "The team moved quickly, knocking the Shadow and Ninja Talon aside, and using their moves to avoid SpiderGirl’s webbing."

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