Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Extra, Extra!

I hope Jake remembered to thank the person who delivered his morning newspaper for Newspaper Carrier Day, because without a newspaper carrier Jake wouldn't be able to read the news...which stresses him out...and puts strain on his heart...and potentially shortens his lifespan. Hmm. Maybe we should see if the newspaper carrier would be willing to skip the Morgendorffer house, at least occasionally.

Instead of freaking out about the news, Jake could have a nice snack for National Macadamia Nut Day, even though he prefers cashews. Daria knows where he can buy nuts by the bunch, and if she doesn't smile then the nuts are free!

On this day in 1997, Daria and Jane made a (very) brief cameo on the MTV Video Music Awards. And when I say "brief," I mean don't even blink.

Fandom News!

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