Monday, September 16, 2024

Don't Let Mom Miss the Guacamole!

I see that Jake is fully embracing National Guacamole Day, but I hope he comes up for air long enough to dip some chips in it or something. Helen, meanwhile, might celebrate later. After she hangs up the phone and dials 911.

I hope someone wakes up Trent and tells him that today is National Tattoo Story Day and he should take the opportunity to share the message that his tattoo sends. Of course, that message is "I got a tattoo out of a magazine," so don't get your hopes up.

Quinn will be pleased to know that today is Stay Away From Seattle Day, because I don't think she ever truly forgave them for that--ugh--grunge. As long as she's finally figured out that Washington is a state and not the nation's capital, everything should be fine.

Fandom News!

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