Thursday, September 12, 2024

A Good Day for Cannibal Frag Fest

Daria's having a great National Video Games Day, although it might be time to put away the first person shooter and do some writing. Ted, meanwhile, is probably immersed in a virtual reality usual.

Still, let's all be supportive of people playing video games or doing anything else they choose, because it's National Day of Encouragement and we should lift others up. Just don't use Helen's method: "We tell you over and over again that you're wonderful and you just...don't...get it! What's wrong with you?!"

I don't think anyone should encourage Daria to smile if she doesn't want to, though, because even if it's National School Pictures Day she only smiles if she has a reason. I'd be interested in seeing her produce a list of things that would make her smile, but I suspect it's very short.

Fandom News!

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