Monday, February 16, 2015

Lincoln and Washington, Bros for Life

It's President's Day, and both presidents are surprisingly excited about it considering the two of them have to share one holiday. Still, as long as nobody wears sandals I guess everything will be fine.

Also, "Arts 'N Crass" first aired on this day in 1998. Highlights of the episode include learning about the extra quart of grease in the pizza recipe, witnessing Helen's moment of triumph, and seeing Brittany's unlikely art contest win. (Seriously, how awful must the other entries have been?!)

Fanfic Update!
  • ASPS, by PrecambrianStudios (part 81): "Wearing a long, emerald-green trenchcoat and a deerstalker cap that barely hid her sunglasses, Karis Chapman tailed Ben Nielsen, making to keep at least fifty feet behind him. Her searching was almost over; she knew he had the answer."

  • Mack of All Trades, by Kristen Bealer (part 2): "Keeping his eyes closed, Mack thought, If he keeps saying his lines in that monotone, I won't need any angels. His dull acting will put me to sleep just fine. And opening night is in three days! I almost feel sorry for the audience."

  • Rising with the Machines... Cynically, by Kuriamo22 (part 3): "The next day Jane noticed Daria was acting a bit quieter than usual as they walked to school on that rather chilly morning. Jane glanced at her friend and noted she looked deep in thought as she stared blankly forward."

  • Unbearable (Daria and the Gang), by Roentgen (COMPLETE!): "The doorbell rang at the Morgendorffer residence. 'That's for me!' Quinn cried from upstairs. But before she could bound downstairs and get to the door, Jake was already ahead of her. He always liked his chats with Quinn's dates, where he could rap, homie to homie."

  • The Unique, by EntrancedCat (part 2): "'Yondah lies da castle of my foddah. That's got to be the most boring castle ever,' she decided."

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