Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Man and His Hawg

I know I brought this up on PPMB some time ago, but what is it with Mack and motorcycles? There are three shots of Mack on two-wheelers in the alter-egos on the MTV website, with Evel Knievel Mack and Easy Rider Mack shown here. (Not shown is Shriner Mack on a minibike.)

As Mack is commonly perceived as the masculine ideal for the Dariaverse (as he is almost without flaw and every other man is a mentally challenged dork), it makes sense for him to have a studly ride. This begs for both fanfic and more art, but mostly for more fanfic. A great postcanon story is buried here. Let it be free.

Get your motor runnin' . . . Head out on the highway . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For all we know, Mack has a motorcycle. And for all we know...that's why Jodie likes him.