Friday, November 9, 2018

"Mad Mack" Is More Than Just a Nickname!

Mack's concocting something extra special for Inventor's Day, but he's got a long way to go if he wants to beat Andrew Landon's folding coffee cup. Judging by how much of that glowing green stuff he's spilling, I'm not sure he's going to accomplish much of anything useful aside from maybe disfiguring himself horribly.

That might work, too, though, because today is also Chaos Never Dies Day. That holiday seems like it be more well-suited to Kevin, but I'm not going to argue with that face.

Fanfic Update!
  • Cuckoos On Infinite Earths, by Smijey (part 26): "Janice stood at the edge of the sidewalk leading up to the house. It was lived in, but looked kind of dilapidated, and nobody'd bothered to mow the lawn for the past few weeks."

  • Daria Ravenclaw: The Highland Years, by Meester_Lee (part 50): "School started the third week of August, a week after the last day of day camp. Despite Daria's general dislike for exercise and the great outdoors, she found that she missed day camp, at least a little."

  • Daria's Great Adventure, by dmsfanman (part 13): "The tension in the colony was palpable. Everyone was on edge. Commander Ramirez had formed two teams. One would engage the approaching enemy at the opening to their valley. The other would protect the nuclear reactor."

  • Erin Chambers, by OzFerret (part 11): "Were they dating? Erin hummed as she wandered around her apartment, finalising her nightly rituals. Occasionally she danced a few steps. Her weekend had been perfect."

  • Questions of Reality, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 2): "'Good Morning,' Laura Albertson said, as she walked up. Amanda Leigh saw that she continually held her left hand in her short hair as she usually did."

  • Second Chance for Love: Summertime Fun, by David Falkayn (part 30): "'There might be some potential within you after all, Ms. Morgendorffer.' Percival admitted to his sole remaining student, a sarcastic grin on his face, as the pair sat in the now empty classroom."

  • Thank U (formerly The Wrath of Con), by Lady Evil (part 24): "Jane was sitting on a couch Monday morning at the Thatcher duplex. She petted the white rabbit in her lap as Ollie looked through her sketches, occasionally giggling. 'Oh, this is perfect, Jane!' she was saying. 'You've really captured the essence of Lafayette!'"

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