Monday, July 3, 2017

Quinn Has Finally Found Her Soul Mate

Quinn's getting a little too into Compliment Your Mirror Day, but then again, I think she probably does this every day. She is, no doubt, her own biggest fan. Of course, when the mirror starts complimenting you back then it's time to either see a therapist or end the musical episode.

Fanfic Update!
  • Congratulations, by Lady Evil (COMPLETE!): "Daria steeled herself before opening the door, fully expecting to see an angry and accusatory Jane. She was surprised to see Trent with a big smile on his face."

  • Fates Entwined, by Deep Metal (part 4): "From the crossbow, the arrow was unleashed, striking the blue circle right underneath the foam target. 'Whoa, nice shooting, Morgendorffer,' Jane said, complimenting Daria."

  • The More Things Change, by Two-Eyed Charlie (part 11): "I expected steam and puddles on the roof, being that the entire Hudson River had been emptied onto the island and the sun had been gone for several hours. But once Jane and I shoved open the access door and stepped out into the night, we were met with a bone-dry floor and a clear view of its many rust-stains."

  • Unnamed story (LLH - Short Entries), by Roentgen (parts 23 and 24): "The Legionnaires finally returned to the Tower. There was really little else they could do except return back to HQ." (Part 24)

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