Sunday, June 30, 2024

Jane's Right; She DOES Grow Lovelier By the Day!

Daria's dressed up for the anniversary of the publication of the book Gone with the Wind on this day in 1936. I don't think Quinn had cosplaying in mind when she invited Daria to watch the movie with her, but one thing I know for sure: Daria is definitely still wearing her boots under there.

Coming back to the modern day, please feel free to celebrate Social Media Day by either posting something online or, better yet, contributing to the now-dormant Facebook episodes Iron Chef I posted back in 2010. I have no doubt that Quinn is a prolific poster on every possible social media platform, and I bet she competes fiercely with Sandi over who has the most followers.

Finally, it was on this day in 1997 that the episode "The Big House" first aired, in which we learned that Mr. DeMartino has a heart condition, Jake doesn't know the difference between Thomas Jefferson and Joseph Stalin, and Daria plays a mean harmonica.

Fanfic Update!
  • The Betrothed, by easmith (part 25): "Arthur went limp and slumped down, still held in Alissa’s arms, and she slowly and carefully lowered his body to the floor; Roderick kept a secure hold on the knife, ensuring it remained securely lodged in Arthur’s skull, being careful that the wound the blade had created was kept plugged so that bleeding would be minimal."

  • Homecoming, by davidfalkayn (part 28): "'Over here.' Nikki directed, pointing to an empty booth. 'A cozy corner booth where we can see what’s going on without anyone bothering us.'"

  • Spider Quinn 10 The New Heroes, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 1): "It was an ordinary winter night in Lawndale. Quinn Morgendorffer was waiting for a date to arrive in her room. Then an unexpected news report came on."

Friday, June 28, 2024

Long Live the Jake!

Jake is certainly not looking amused for the anniversary of Queen Victoria's coronation on this day in 1838. In his defense, that outfit doesn't look at all comfortable and I'm sure he doesn't feel very confident in his ability to rule an entire nation.

Daria, meanwhile, might consider finally getting her ears pierced for International Body Piercing Day, unless her belly button experience soured her on the whole idea. Just as long as, whatever choice she makes, she does it for her own reasons and not to impress some guy.

It was on this day in 2000 that the episode "Psycho Therapy" first aired. It's a fan favorite not only because of the legendary role-playing exercise, but Tom's viral-before-viral-was-a-thing butt wiggle on Jane Cam. Just think; if things had gone differently he might be an influencer by now!

Meanwhile, in 1998, Daria and Jane hosted the "Top 10 Animated Videos Countdown." It's exactly as snarky as you think, too.

Fandom News!

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

I Bet She Puts Quinn's High Pain Tolerance to the Test Often

Everyone should wish poor Jozu a happy Beautician’s Day, and let's hope she's got enough patience to deal with someone as demanding as Quinn. Just listening to Quinn go on and on about the popularity struggles and dating scene in high school would be enough to earn her a 100% tip.

Perhaps Helen should get her hair done for her and Jake's anniversary, because it was on this day in 1975 that they made their commitment vows. Next year is the big 50, guys! Helen, maybe you could consider taking the day off work for it?

If anyone is looking for a tasty treat today, I can recommend pudding for National Chocolate Pudding Day! Just don't let it sit too long, because even Brittany and Daria can agree that pudding should never have skin.

Fanfic Update!
  • Expectavi, by Ranchoth (part 6): "The dark night had thoroughly fallen long before the party reached the safehouse on the outskirts of Bluestone, Colorado."

  • The F Files, by jones2000 (part 13): "'We really should get started on the lists.' 'I am.' His partner said. 'You, on the other hand, are going to bed.'"

  • Miss Impossible, by janendaria4ever (COMPLETE!): "Quinn moped to her bedroom as she stridently coughed. She immediately felt the urge of vomiting as she bolted to the bathroom as rapidly as her legs could take her."

Monday, June 24, 2024

Think Happy Thoughts!

Jodie is ready to grant wishes for International Fairy Day, but I hope someone grants her wish to have some free time at last. If you'd like to read some hilarious stories about other Daria characters as fairies, try Aloysius's "Scarlett the Fairy" series or The Angst Guy's "Jane Unchained" and "Uranium in the Drinking Water."

Meanwhile, Quinn and Sandi can hit the pool for Swim a Lap Day, and maybe this time the tables will turn and Sandi will be the one to scream "Swim, you cow!" to Quinn instead. Or they could both share the pool for some laps, but I suspect that might end with at least one of them trying to drown the other.

I hope Trent finally landed that dream job of being a farmer paid not to grow crops, because it's Farmer Day and that would be very appropriate. For those who do want to grow crops, you could always ask Ted DeWitt-Clinton for advice.

Fandom News!

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Girls Just Wanna Camp Out

The Fashion Club is ready, in all of their 80s glory, to wish Cyndi Lauper a happy 71st birthday! I just hope she doesn't sing "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" because half of Lawndale might freak out thinking that Metalmouth is coming after them.

Still, I think it's probably safe to observe the Great American Backyard Campout, as long as you don't camp in a car with chompable handles. Trent can even get his old tent out and wait for Jane to bring him some sandwiches!

Don't tell Tom and Daria that today is National Kissing Day, though. Even if Jane has made her peace with the whole fiasco, I don't think Helen could take the stress of it.

Fanfic Update!
  • Face the Rainbow, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "The situation couldn't be more awkward if it tried. Jim had just gotten over his homophobia and agreed to be a groomsman at his gay cousin's wedding when who should show up but his misogynistic, homophobic father Tony."

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Cue the Ominous Music!

Daria and Jane are off to see the Great White Shark in honor of the anniversary of the movie Jaws, which was released on this day in 1975. I'm afraid they'll be disappointed to find it's only a tooth, but listening to Jordana recreate the entire movie for them will surely make up for it. Or not.

Fortunately, the long walk to get there means they also got to celebrate National Hike with a Geek Day at the same time. Don't ask which one of them is the geek, though.

A happy ten year anniversary to Outpost Daria Reborn, which went online on this day in 2014. Well done, Kevin Bess/NeonHomer, in keeping a Daria tradition going!

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

He Caught a Fish THIS Big!

Mack has had a very successful Go Fishing Day, although the best part was probably being able to spend some quiet time away from Kevin. Although I'm not a fan of fishing, personally--yuck--I hope anyone who does enjoy it gets some time out at the water today.

If you don't feel like cooking your catch, that's great because it's also Sushi Day! Just don't go to Tokyo Toby's, or as it's known in medical circles, the worm factory.

Poor Jake learned that lesson the hard way in "My Night at Daria's," which aired on this day in 2001. I think he'd rather go through the ordeal all over again, though, than face Daria after catching Tom sneaking out of the house. Poor awkward Jake.

Fanfic Update!
  • Dare I Say Sisterly, by janendaria4life (COMPLETE!): "Quinn sauntered her way inside as she entered the Morgendorffer household."

  • Spider Quinn 09 A Part of the Journey, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (COMPLETE!): "Quinn and Daria arrived at the theater in the Lexus. 'Why did you come again?' Daria asked."

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day!

Jake's clearly having a pleasant Father's Day, which you can tell because he's smiling instead of railing at the ceiling about his childhood. For an even better Father's Day, Helen and the girls might even let him cook something for dinner! After first confiscating the pepper, of course.

Let's hope that if he does the cooking then Jake uses plenty of healthy ingredients in honor of Fresh Veggies Day. If he's running out (because I seriously doubt the Morgendorffer family stocks fresh food of any kind) then he could check with Kevin and Brittany to see if they have any leftovers from the Food in Film Festival.

Finally, it was on this day that the episode "Too Cute" first aired in 1997. Quinn tried to get $6,000 in plastic surgery, Daria showed some genuine concern for her sister, and Upchuck found a new hobby relating to fake boobs that no one wants to think about.

Fandom News!

Friday, June 14, 2024

Viva Mack!

Mack looks especially defiant in honor of the anniversary of Che Guevara's birth on this day in 1928. I don't know what specific causes Mack might want to organize a rebellion over, but if Ms. Barch tries to oppress him again he's definitely going to rise up.

If anyone is celebrating Flag Day today, please try to remember the colors as well as you can. No, Kevin, green is not one of them. If you have any difficulty, talk to Mrs. Stoller and I'll sure she'll be able to help in a very condescending tone.

You know, if you're going to be treated like a kindergartner then you might as well act like it and goof off for Monkey Around Day! Jane might think back fondly to the tricycle-riding chimp at her fourth birthday party, while Kevin can wax poetic about how lenient Charles Darwin was with Curious George.

Fanfic Update!
  • The Betrothed, by easmith (part 24): "Meredith woke to the sight of an unfamiliar ceiling and the sound of a crying baby."

  • Face the Rainbow, by wilddogjj (part 2): "The island that marks the southernmost part of the continental US is coming alive."

  • Homecoming, by davidfalkayn (part 27): "Seeing Stacy raise her hand, Angie made a production of looking down at her seating chart before responding."

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A ROSE by Any Other NAME....

I'm very sorry to report that Mr. DeMartino has chosen to celebrate Red Rose Day in the very worst way possible. I suppose it could be could have been Upchuck.

I hope that if you see someone dressed in nothing but rose petals that it's someone you love, because it's Loving Day and that would be much more appropriate. Although I wouldn't wish this fate on even people I don't like, because who wants to have to pick rose petals out of awkward places?

Honestly, I'd much rather celebrate National Peanut Butter Cookie Day with Rita and Helen once they've finished cooking the pre-made dough. Celebrate by eating the cookies, that is. Not wearing them. Just thought it would be a good idea to clarify.

Fandom News!

Monday, June 10, 2024

Please, For His Own Good, Take Away His Pepper!

Someone needs to do a review of what Jake's putting in the pot for Herb and Spices Day, and quick. Left unsupervised, he's likely to turn his own tongue black and the Morgendorffers will end up with frozen lasagna again.

After dinner they could put on a classic movie in honor of Judy Garland's birth on this day in 1922. Not only did one of Garland's most famous movies, The Wizard of Oz, get several references during the show, but it also made a significant appearance in the "Daria's Inferno" video game.

Finally, someone tell Quinn's poor date that he can finally talk now because it's National Shawn Day and she can't shush him. Well...she can, but he's completely free to ignore her and say "What?" as much as he wants.

Fanfic Update!
  • And I was this colour of mind, by Lea (arowofpearls) (COMPLETE!): "Sometimes, I think she does it to be mean. Other times, I’m not not really sure."

  • Face the Rainbow, by wilddogjj (part 1): "The date on the classroom calendar was Friday, June 7, also known as the last day of school. Mr. Keller was handing out report cards to his fifth-grade class."

  • I Go Through All This Before You Wake Up, by Blake C Stacey (COMPLETE!): "Dear Daria's Diary, Forty centuries of love poems, and not a line of them can make a heart ache less. Why couldn't I have picked an all-consuming obsession that actually does any good for me?"

  • Spider Quinn 09 A Part of the Journey, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 3): "Robert arrived at the Morgendorffers. 'Is Quinn here?' he asked Daria when she came to the door."

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Don't Take Her Out of the Packaging!

Quinn's looking even more artificial than usual because it's Doll Day and plastic is fantastic. Makes you wonder if this would have been Dr. Shar's end result if Quinn had come up with the money for the surgery.

Honestly, you're probably better off taking your chances with arsenic than trusting Dr. Shar, so celebrating Name Your Poison Day is also an option. Just name the poison, though...don't consume it. Unless you're Kevin Thompson, in which case enjoy that nutty butter and banana sandwich!

You definitely don't want to poison your friends, especially not on Best Friends Day. Although Jane was probably tempted after The Kiss....

Fandom News!

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Do Any Pests Wear Glasses?

Jane is having fun celebrating National Eyewear Day but I don't think Daria appreciates it; she really needs those! I hope Kevin still has his pair so he can join in, with or without the lenses.

Instead of stealing glasses she doesn't need, Jane might consider visiting an old drive-in theater for National Drive-In Movie Day, because I hear they're kind of eerie and cool. Then again, if there's a chance Nathan will be there then it might be better to steer clear.

Speaking of unwanted people and/or animals, be sure to celebrate World Pest Day by either eliminating or acting as a pest to someone else. Daria probably feels like she celebrates this one every time she opens a book and gets interrupted.

Fanfic Update!
  • Homecoming, by davidfalkayn (part 26): "'Are you sure you’re not going to get walked in on?' Angie asked Lexa, addressing the Trill ensign appearing on her monitor."

  • Katie Huegel, by Meester_Lee (part 7): "Katie returned home feeling a lot better. She’d finally gotten some practice time and she’d gotten to meet someone om the local music scene."

  • Movin' On Up, by wilddogjj (COMPLETE!): "Quinn, her husband Jim and their triplet sons Tommy, Timmy and Teddy were at the kitchen table having dinner and conversation. The topic of discussion was the horrible new neighbors they have to deal with."

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Sandi's Dream Just Came True

Quinn has seen better days now that it's Old Maid’s Day, and in fact she probably now belongs at the Better Days Nursing Home. The good news is that she's definitely not going to need a fake ID to get into any clubs from now on!

Someone tell Jake that it's National Cheese Day and it's the perfect time to try out his squirrel impression. Just...maybe not when either of the girls has a date over, okay?

It would be interesting to try it the next time Helen's sisters come to visit, though. Jake pretending to be a squirrel would have made "Aunt Nauseam," which aired on this day in 2001, a very different story.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

On the Plus Side, No More Cavities!

I don't think Metal Mouth will be celebrating National I Love My Dentist Day, although it was nice of him to offer those baby food coupons. Given the typical teacher's budget, he could use all the help he could get.

After losing all of his teeth, I don't think anyone would blame him for celebrating National Leave Work Early Day, either. Unless he's leaving work in order to stalk teenagers in their cars, that is.

The good news is that ice cream is soft, so instead of becoming a creepy urban legend he could just relax with a sweet treat for National Rocky Road Day. Daria should watch out for actual rocky roads, though, especially if she's traveling in the Tank. That head bump was nasty.

Fanfic Update!
  • Is It Adulthood Already?, by britabird (part 8): "As the end of summer approached, Rita had earned just enough money from her Bibsy sales to chip in for a proper plot for Gretchen. Amy chipped in what she could, which left Helen to now only cover the cost of hiring someone to dig her mother out of the ground and move her."

  • Spider Quinn 09 A Part of the Journey, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 2): "SpiderGirl left home after Daria had comforted her, in her usual clumsy way. ‘Maybe I do need grief counselling,’ she considered."