Friday, July 24, 2009

TGIF, Marvin the Martian, etc.

Ten years ago, TV Guide ran a short description of a then-upcoming episode, "Speedtrapped."

And that's the big news for today. Okay, I'm kidding. Today is the 226th anniversary of the birth of liberator Simón Bolívar, making it Simón Bolívar Day in some places. It is also the 109th anniversary of the birth of writer Zelda Fitzgerald, wife of writer F. Scott Fitzgerald. Daria makes a reference to Zelda Fitzgerald in "Depth Takes a Holiday," the link being the fact that Ms. Fitzgerald was diagnosed with schizophrenia and died in a fire in a mental hospital, and Daria thinks she, too, is going crazy, just because personified holidays are popping out of a Chinese restaurant and forming a rock band with Trent Lane.

And it's the 89th anniversary of the birth of women's rights advocate Bella Abzug (whom Daria is dressed like in the alter ego at right, with some padding); the 61st birthday of Marvin the Martian; and the 59th year that Cape Cavaveral, Florida, has been in the business of launching space rockets. (The last link shows the first rocket launched from the Cape.) Amelia Earhart was also born today, but we've already talked about her and the Quinn alter ego.

Moar l8r after dinner, or something. Or, better yet, tomorrow.

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