Sunday, January 17, 2010

I'm Shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

Benjamin Franklin, the man who did about everything there was to do for his time, celebrates his 304th birthday today. Thanks to Pinhead and UU for the little-known alter ego at right with Mr. DeMartino!

Also in the realm of birthdays, Popeye turns 81. Daria and Jane got to meet Popeye in one fanfic-in-progress. Popeye also gets mentioned in "Antisocial Climbers," in which it becomes clear that Mr. DeMartino (hey!) is a fan of his. I wonder why...



Roland 'Jim' Lowery said...

3,035. I made one for Angst Nauseum since I was fiddling with the Angst page.

Just sayin'.

The Angst Guy said...


Anonymous said...

No mention of the Beavis and Butthead episode 'Lightning strike'? That's sad.. :(