Sunday, December 28, 2008

Topic for the Day: What If They Brought Daria Back?

Just suppose for a moment that, in response to all our cards, letters, e-mails, phone calls, pleading, and whining, MTV (or some other corporation with the proper license) decided to bring Daria back to TV. Ignoring the question of whether any of us would like the show, being as caught up in the old one as we are, how would you like to see the new show presented: live action, animation, or a combination of the two?

Beyond that, what should the show's setting be?

1. More high-school adventures with Daria and Jane in the late 1990s.

2. Daria and Jane in college, early 2000s.

3. Quinn and friends in high school after Daria leaves.

4. Trent and Mystik Spiral on the road across the U.S. after Daria and Jane go to college.

5. The whole cast in today's world, with Daria, Jane, and Quinn as 20-somethings out of college.

6. Focus on other students at Lawndale High in the late 1990s.

7. Daria and Jane in high school, but set in today's world.

8. Focus on other students who were in Lawndale High, in today's world as 20-somethings.

9. Brittany and the other cheerleaders in college.

10. Something else entirely.

Elaborate on your answers in the Comments section. Me, personally, I'll go for #5. Also in animated format, as writing stuff about live people is too weird for me.


legendeld said...

I would think either a restart #7 but with a little more attention on secondary characters or #5, again with more attention to other characters as well as Daria and Jane.

ninetwelve said...

MTV's Downtown always struck me as a post college Daria tale ;p

Anonymous said...

Any version that goes beyond high school I hope would try to avoid the common TV habit of cramming as many of the orginal cast members in as possible. People move on after high school and college (though some might still be career students) and it would be fairly implausible to try to bring most of the cast back.

I think 5 would also be interesting, you can bring in some of the original cast and introduce new characters for fresh viewpoints.

Anonymous said...

BG here. I'd go for #5, but expand the show to include more episodes on the other characters and (occasionally) new characters that could possibly be used as characters for a spin-off. In fanfic, there are two sets of characters that fit the mold; the Back Alley Name Droppers, as they provide a foil for the Boys of Spiral, and The Alliance (non-powered, of course) as students at USAES (in Virginia now) or at Grove Hills.

Anonymous said...

BG here. I meant #7. Oops.

Anonymous said...

#5 as a continuity series, or #7 as a reboot. #6 or #8 as a spin-off series.

The Angst Guy said...

I'd kinda hate #7, as it would invalidate continuity, and I'm very big on continuity. And I wish they'd stop violating the fourth wall. That wall's there for a reason, dammit.

UU said...

Animation, #5 or #8 (with occasional appearances by D&J, naturally!)

#9 -- 8-0 No hentai, please!

Anonymous said...

#2 could work, but you have to remember that Daria's basically on her own for the first semester because Jane wouldn't be starting BFAC (if she still decides to go) until January.

This could be interesting in many ways. It's a given that college will suck less for Daria, but it can't be TOO much better or the show would lose a bit of its charm. I think she should get some annoying Brittany-Quinn hybrid as a roommate, kinda dumb, kinda snotty, kinda perky.

#3, #4, and maybe #9 would be worked in as B-stories for #2. #9 would probably work better as a one-shot episode, though.

#5/#8 could work, but the cast would have to be pared down a bit. I see Daria not being in Lawndale, probably Philadelphia, Washington DC, Boston, or New York City.

The Angst Guy said...

Dumping Jane from the script would probably be recommended for #2 or 5, opening a whole new cast of characters with whom Daria is forced to interact. Without Jane, Daria must make it on her own for real, without any friends except the new ones she meets. It would be more interesting that way (or so the reasoning would go).

Anonymous said...

Would love to see the Fashion club post Daria's moving off to college (AKA their senior year). Finishing up their last year of school would be a welcome animated series in my eyes.