When boyfriend Kevin gets whaled on by grocery store employees for crossing a picket line, Brittany, wearing a pink gown, jumps on the back of an assailant and opens up a 55-gallon drum of grade-A high-octane WWE-certified whupass. She becomes the original pit bull with lipstick, captured in all her savage glory on videotape.
That's . . . wow . . . I had forgotten all about that. Okay, Brit showing creepy amounts of combat skill once is a throw away joke, but twice is characterization.
Where did she learn it? And why?
Sorry about the sloppy picture arrangement. Fixed now!
The full glory at 4:14 on the clip:
poke poke poke
Any more discussion? I was thinking she watches too much Walker. Texas Ranger. Where'd she learn to fight like that?
She's a top secret sleeper cell super agent with time-release brain implants that have some slight leakage issues, releasing the lock on her genetically enhanced combat abilities under certain circumstances.
Or maybe she's the last living practitioner of cheer-style kung fu.
I am so tempted to write fic with Brittany as a pro wrestler now....
I confess that the street-fighter angle makes Brittany vastly more appealing, in a perverse way. Wonder how many bruises Kevin accumulated over the years as a result.
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