Saturday, December 29, 2007

And now for something completely different....

Little Red Riding O'Neill is going to share some of his basket of goodies with us, fresh from PPMB. Isn't that disturbing? Anyway, here is part one of my fanfiction catch-up list.

Completed Stories (Hooray!):
Apocalyptic Daria, by Doggieboy (version on SFMB)
Canon Fodder, by Roentgen (The funniest part is who plays Daria in FIC. Poignant ending, too.)

Additions to Works in Progress (Hooray!):
Lane Change, by Ranger Thorne
Stacy Rowe, Seeker (Part II), by jtranser
Falling Into College #61: Latitudes, by Richard Lobinske. This is Richard's version of Is It Fall Yet? with the future Daria crew running around on summer vacation while at college, just before Daria and Michael tie the knot next spring. Michael has already kissed another girl, so that means Daria will go to an art colony and meet Alison, and we can't go into what happens next, can we? Should be fun for all. (Need a smiley face here.)

Other Interesting Threads:
What are you working on for 2008? (more stuff here for next year)
Interesting news from Scissors MacGillicutty regarding "Reclamation," by Roentgen. For more news, go to Roentgen/CINCGREEN's blog, in the list at left. Good luck finding it! (That was mean, I know, but kinda fun, too.)

More to come. I apologize ahead of time if your story wasn't mentioned, but as I said, I am way behind and desperately trying to catch up while also cleaning the house. Stay tuned.

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