Saturday, December 15, 2007

Random Fanfic Idea #14

Toward the end of "Esteemsters," Ms. Li speaks at Assembly and mentions the theft of money from the school office, then adds, ". . . but I am confident we will get that money back. In a related note, the school nurse will be visiting homerooms tomorrow to collect DNA samples." (One suspects she might have taken the money for her own paranoid projects and is covering up for it, but we'll skip that part for now.) Obviously she has to send the DNA samples out to a lab for testing. What if something funny happened to those DNA samples later on, like they were used in some kind of nefarious secret project and all of a sudden . . .

. . . you fill in the blank. Clones of Kevin running amok only a few years later? Quinn crossbred with a chihuahua, like that alter ego of her on the MTV site? Tiffany as a real live Pokemon? Thinking about this just makes me all warm and fuzzy and happy inside.


Lorenzo Sauchelli said...

This has a lot of potential... FOR EVIL.

Dr Mike said...

Well if the school had lower test scores, that would probably mean more money from the government in an attempt to raise the test scores.

At least that's how they do it here in Charlotte.

Of course, Ms. Li's job would be in trouble...