Saturday, December 15, 2007

Ten Days Left Until Christmas, or Whatever

Yesterday more links went into the Lawndale Mall section at left, so your holiday shopping should be a little easier.

Interesting things on PPMB . . .

Bring on some funny!, a welcome diversion from Kristen Bealer.

The Unofficial Story Search Thread, in case you need to find a fanfic.

Things Students Are No Longer Allowed To Do At Lawndale High, a thread that has responded well to necromancy and is alive and kicking.

A Yankee Marine in General Lee's Army, a digression from another fanfic in which everyone argues over what the present United States of America should do about a triumphant Confederate States of America in an alternate universe, and about thirty other interrelated issues such as why the AK-47 is such a good weapon, good fun for the alternate-history buffs among our fandom.

2007 Booties: Daria FanWorks Awards - Visual Works, in which S.C. and HSX strut their stuff, double whoa.

Interesting new entry on DariaWiki, too, about a new metal . . .

More soon. The ice storm outside guarantees I'm not going anywhere for a while.

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