Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Meet Corey and Jason

NOTE: This post was modified on 01/11/09 to correct the name of Corey's friend. Richard Lobinske discovered Jason's name on an old Daria script for "Esteemsters."

Corey and Jason are among Quinn's many followers, and they seem to go together. We see them sitting on either side of Quinn during the Assembly scene at the end of "Esteemsters," and we see them on either side of Quinn as her dates in "Daria Dance Party." In "Esteemsters" they high-five each other quite often in a way that suggests they are best friends. Quinn seems to have a weird effect on guys' brains.

Corey has the distinction of having a high-pitched laugh that CINCGREEN described in the Daria Encyclopedia 0.0 as "creepy." Corey is seen in some of Quinn's classes, so both Jason and Corey are probably in her grade. They don't seem to be on any sports teams.

Why does Quinn go out with both of them at the same time . . . twice?

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