Okay, there. I have more links to Daria webpages than anyone else in the history of Internet Dariadom.
However, I am still looking for more interesting links. Yes, some are old stale links, a few almost 10 years old and not updated since Clinton and the Blue Dress incident, but who cares, they're fun! I checked them to make sure something was there worth seeing (depending on your definition of "worth seeing"). Click on a few unfamiliar links and see what you get. Something good to do on a lazy evening at home. Party on most righteously!
You are mad, but it's not like you want to be mad. Rather, you are compelled to be mad....
That sounds reasonable. :D
And here I was, thinking I was about 10 years too late to partake in the Daria internet scene. At least I know you're not going down without a fight. ;)
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