Sunday, January 13, 2008

Too Cold to Go Outside?

Stay warm and read some good fanfic today. On PPMB, we currently have a library full of stuff, including:

The Adventures of Kevin & Mack in "OMG, WTF am I DOING?!", by Reese Kaine (completed!) *
Been Here Before, by The Sidhe (Parts 29 and 30)
The Cynic, The Fashionista and The Jackass, by Doggieboy (Parts 5 and 6)
Dial M for Magic, by LSauchelli (Parts 4-6)
Evil Daria Vignettes III: The Beginning of the End (continued) *
Falling Into College 61: Latitudes, by Richard Lobinske (Parts 5-6)
Iron Chef: Bliss Ticks Medley, by CAP (completed!)
Legion of Lawndale Heroes, Year Two, by Brother Grimace (Part Four - 'Electric Youth')
Quinngali, by NEMO BLANK and Scissors MacGillicutty (Part 4) (Sorry, I had "Roentgen" as the first author earlier, but Scissors corrected me. Brain damage, my fault.)
Reclamation, by Roentgen (completed!), with thanks to Scissors MacGillicutty
Sex, Please?!, by lupinsmoon12391 (completed!)
Stacy Rowe, Seeker, by jtranser (Part II, new fragments) *
Stranger, by legendeld (completed!) *
Stupid is as Stupid Really Does, by peapotmaster (complete!)
Surprises, by legendeld (Parts 1-3)
A Touch of Madness, by legendeld (completed!)
Turnabout Confusion Part II: All The King's Horses, by Dennis (continued)
Unnamed story beginning (Daria/Heartbreak Ridge, from "Scenes No Daria Fanfic Should Have: What Have We Created?"), by WacoKid *

* Contains mature content. Brace yourself.

1 comment:

The Angst Guy said...

Sorry for the error on "Quinngali." It was kinda sorta maybe a little bit my fault, kinda. Or maybe Scissors used mind control on me, I dunno.