Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Is Your Life in Balance?

Dawn is our astrological Daria person for today, because if you are a Libra (and you should not necessarily be ashamed of that, despite what everyone else says), then this is your zodiac moment. Just remember, you too can be special, even if you are wearing nothing but a sheet. Speaking of which, how can Dawn keep her Walkman attached when she's, well, you know, under that sheet?

More later today after I get home from work.


Anonymous said...

She could be wearing a belt, and the walkman is attached to that.

The Angst Guy said...

I was thinking she was a Borg.

Anonymous said...

Tape. You can see the walkman bulge under her robe, and Hollywood tape? A not-so-secret to strapless wearers of all kinds.

Unknown said...

Strong waterproof adhesive! Hard to remove, but it does a great job while you need it.