Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Everyone Goes to Trent's

The famous movie "Casablanca" had its premier showing 66 years ago today. Trent and Daria reenact the parts of Bogart and Bergman in the picture. Here's lookin' at you, kids. (Careful, Daria—you don't know where that thumb has been.)

Something seems to be wrong with Lawndale Online, which has gone offline. Anyone know how to fix that?

Side Note: I will be away most of Thanksgiving at a family gathering, but I've programmed three or four posts for the day, some with sound! Enjoy.

  • Apocalyptic Daria: Twilight Friday, by Brother Grimace (teaser): The strongbox made a dull thud as Denny placed it on top of the desk. “It’s a gun, isn’t it?”
  • Arrival, by Legendeld (Part 1): “Where are you going?” “You don’t get to ask, remember? I keep my grades up and you stay out of my life, that’s the deal.”
  • Daylight: Falling from Grace—The Road to Nowhere, by Disco316 (Part 5): "Some are born gay, some achieve gayness.” “And some have gayness thrust upon them…” “EWWWWWWWW!”
  • Daylight: Kitchen Duty, by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): Housework is still work and someone's got to do it, even after the world ends. (An Alliance crossover tale.)
  • Legion of Lawndale Heroes Mini: Meta Yo Mama, by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): “Yo’ mama’s so fat, she started putting a belt on the day she started high school, and when she finally got it around, they gave her a diploma!”
  • Legion of Lawndale Heroes Mini: A Quintessential Attitude, by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): “I asked you to come and read to him… because I wanted his last night to be a happy one.”
  • Legion of Lawndale Heroes Mini: Waif Fu, by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): “But that’s not FAIR!" yelled Stacy. "You ALWAYS get to beat up the bad guys and when you do, you totally knock them out and they can’t fight anymore! I want to have the big fight with lots of bad guys coming after me!”
  • Over the River and Through the Mood Swings, by Kristen Bealer (COMPLETE!): "What could possibly go wrong?" The Thanksgiving answer lies within.
  • Stacy Rowe, Seeker (Part II), by jtranser (continued): A dialog with the Antipope on the nature of God.
  • Tales of the Ringbearers: Augustus, by Doggieboy (Part 1): (Robert, I know you can sense me. I’m in bad trouble and need your help—now!)
  • Welcome Back, Daria, by Napalm Kracken (Part 1): "Now do you see why we should have went with a natural birth as opposed to cloning?" Adult Daria and family have a yard sale.


Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Maybe he has a cold?

Anonymous said...

Or he's a closet Dobbie Gillis fan?

The Angst Guy said...

I have no clue what you are talking about.

Greybird said...

You resurrected my old avatar. (I cropped that from Fr. Martin's scan of the cover of one of the PAL videos.) Quite pleasant to see.