This episode spawned a lot of fanfiction. Some examples, in no special order:
- "Visitors," by Melissa
- "A Time for Every Purpose," by Richard Lobinske
- "Fireworks," by C.E. Forman
- "Potential," by TAG
- "Vengeance," by Bacner
- "The Road Home," by CAP
- "This Is Now," by Richard Lobinske
- "Will Power," by Thea Zara and Deref
- "Past Understanding," by Ennon
- "New Drum, Same Tune," by Roentgen
- "You Don’t Need a Weatherman to Know Which Way the Wind Blows," by TAG
- "Redemption," by Atimnie
Latest DariaWiki page: U.S. Marshals Service, by Brother Grimace. Lots of new pages in addition!
- John Lane 39: Leaving Summer, by Richard Lobinske (COMPLETE!): Alison said, "I'm not going to forget your offer…when you turn 18." Daria's cheeks reddened at the comment, but she maintained her composure. "A promise is a promise."
- Legion of Lawndale Heroes Special—Tokusatsu Team Up! by Lorenzo Sauchelli (Part 3): The Planeswalker grimaced when her counterpart teleported back to Japan. “I was hoping it would take you longer to get back from Alpha Centauri.”
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