Saturday, March 14, 2009

Dead Reckoning

A new page was added to DariaWiki that cries out for more examples. If you know of good ghost stories in Daria fanfiction, please add them to that page.

In addition, if you know of good horror stories in this fandom that were missed on that DariaWiki page, please add those as well. You are free, as usual, to add your own comments and evaluations, too. The more, the merrier.


Anonymous said...

Somebody needs to do a crossover with 'Monster Chiller Horror Theater'. Maybe have Upchuck take the role of Count Floyd, as he leeringly introduces Daria and Jane in a remake of "Dr Tongue's 3D House of Stewardesses"....

Anonymous said...

Right. I'm going down to the basement now and see if I can find some more non sequiturs.