Being a fandom reporter is fun, but Real Life has a way of getting in the way of being timely. With that in mind, here is the first of a series of updates on Your Favorite Fandom, with profuse apologies for being a wee bit late. To lead off, here's Mrs. Bennett with a slightly late tribute to Mardi Gras or bellydancing, whichever.
Back from the Dead!
- I clicked on an old link and discovered that the Dariacon Wiki at ElWiki.com is back online. The website includes a link explaining why the site went down earlier. More chances to meet other fans, hooray! If you're into that kind of thing, I mean.
- Oh, and all the convention information there needs to be updated. If you are running a Dariacon, go thou there and see what needs to be fixed.
- Oh, and the wiki lets you add your own Dariacon stories to the "Current Events" section. Hmm, I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. You can upload pictures, too. Definitely a bad thing in the wrong hands. Uh-oh.
Submit to the Lawndale Online SMOFs!
- The secret masters of fandom at LO! have revised their submission guidelines. If you have stories and artwork to send in (and don't we all), check out the new information and start sending it in.
Dariacon 2008 Wants YOU!
- Get the latest information on who's coming to Orlando the weekend of March 1-2.
More Cool Artwork!
- Daria and Jane at the Altar, a nice clean recreation of a famous segue spot from a Daria marathon on MTV, re-done by Christ Oliver (who also very nicely re-drew Ranchoth's alternate kiss scene from "Dye! Dye! My Darling!"). Direct links to these scenes are offered here for the wedding art and here for the smooching.
- Whoa! Just added: Gothic Daria and Jane in a graveyard! Thanks, Christ Oliver!
- Iron Chef: Calling All Artists (Part 2): This challenge drew an amusing response from JennaUsername, who presents "the new girls in town" (direct link here).
- Andrea, in the sharp, angular style of Ranger Thorne. Looks like she could punch someone out at any moment. Very nice.
Weird PPMB Threads!
- I believe Daria was deliberately anti-fashion
- I believe Daria was deliberately non-conformist
- Remembering that it's NOT 'Serious Business'... (WRONG!)
- New Emoticons Thread: This one is quite fun to watch. No penguins, though, dammit.
- The Completely Random Post Thread, Part IV - Sorry, Nat! The insanity continues. Random post threads fill a special need in our community. Please contribute.
- LATE ADD: Scenes No Daria Fanfic Should Have: Dawn of a New Horror: In a constant search for new depths of bad taste.
- Lots of fresh activity on our fandom wiki of late, including new pictures. Check it out, and please join in the fun by adding your own entries and information.
More news and updates soon. I would promise to be more timely in the future, but I'm trying to cut back on my lying.
LATE NOTE: Was just informed that the original Daria Fandom Blog has been un-updated. It's still a great reference and would be great to see active again, but it just won't happen now.
The new post at DFB has been removed and reposted at Fortress CinCGreen.
Oh. Oh, well, that's life.
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