I'd like to know if these fanfic/fan art updates are helpful or interesting to readers, or if they make nice ego-boo to the writers & artists. (I have no objection to ego-boo and rather like getting it once in a while myself.) Please add your comments, pro or con, on these updates. I mean, if you're going to surf this way, you may as well find something worth reading, right?
On with the show.
- A Daria Sutra, by Sleepy Lotus (Chapters 1-2): A Daria/Tom shipper that includes backpacking through exotic foreign lands. That's different.
- The Cynic, The Fashionista and The Jackass, by Doggieboy (Part 7): I need to watch the movie again after reading this.
- A Little Vacation, by Doggieboy (Parts 3-4): Stranger and stranger, deadlier and deadlier.
- One Year Later, by NightGoblyn (continued): More Daria/Harry Potter goodness.
- Size Does Matter, by BlackHole (Parts 1-2): What if Daria and Quinn had been born taller than usual? Like, a lot taller?
- Been Here Before, by The Sidhe (COMPLETED!): The epic serial romance reaches its conclusion, with the promise of more.
- Crouching Monster, Hidden Magic, by LSauchelli (Parts 3-4): Daria and wizardry, together again.
- The Cynic, The Fashionista and The Jackass, by Doggieboy (Part 7)
- EarthFall, by legendeld (NEW MATERIAL: Episode 2, Part 1): Daria/Robotech, with Daria and Jane on Earth.
- Everybody Loves Jane, by WacoKid et al. (continued): Too weird, and too funny.
- Falling Into College 61: Latitudes, by RLobinske (Part 10): The cruise ship hasn't sunk yet.
- Legion of Lawndale Heroes, Year Two, by Brother Grimace: A preview of LLH 12.5, chapter coming soon.
- A Little Vacation, by Doggieboy (Part 4)
- Nature of Nurture, by Mascifin (prologue + Chapter 1): A new author joins the ranks!
- Size Does Matter, by BlackHole (Parts 1-2)
- Stacy Rowe, Seeker (Part II), by jtranser (continued): Upchuck plans for the future.
- Surprises, by legendeld (Part 11): A little Evil Helen goes a long, long way.
And, in the realm of pure stupid fun:
- Scenes No Daria Fanfic Should Have: Dawn of a New Horror: Daria and Jane try to score some toad.
I like it.
It saves me from having to check three different sites for story updates.
Seconded. It is very convenient.
I definitely like it, especially with the descriptions you write.
"Size Does Matter, by BlackHole (Parts 1-2): What if Daria and Quinn had been born taller than usual?" - Assumptions, assumptions... ;)
Uh-oh, I know I did something wrong here. Did I misread the story, blackhole? Sorry if I did.
+1 for continuing the updates. Very handly, and the one-line sum-ups are nice as well.
Hi TAG, you didn't misread anything - but as far as the story is published, you can only make assumptions... Pt.3 (up now) gives a tad more insight on that matter.
Keep up the good work on your Daria digest!
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