Over 11,000 visits here at DFB2! Yahoo!
And now for more fanfic to soothe the savage beast in us all. We could certainly use it.
- And All That We've Won, by The Sidhe (Part 1): Depressed, crazy, in love, or all of the above at once?
- Bits & Pieces that just BEG to be made into Daria FanFic: A very weird story starter from LSauchelli, spinning off from the end of "Speedtrapped."
- The Cynic, The Fashionista and The Jackass, by Doggieboy (Part 9): “You pull these covers off of me, Beavis, and I’ll start shooting ‘unnecessary’ parts off of your body.”
- EarthFall, by legendeld (Episode 3, Part 2): Trouble cubed drops from space.
- Falling Into College 61: Latitudes, by Richard Lobinske (Parts 16 and 17): Pirates! Strange disappearances! Souvenirs!
- Hearts, by UU (Part 1): The wrong place, the wrong time, and then things really go bad.
- Legion of Lawndale Heroes Minis - Dinner, by Brother Grimace (COMPLETE!): The empty nesters.
- A Little Vacation, by Doggieboy (Part 9): “If I get bit, will you shoot me?”
- The Misery Chicks, by NightGoblyn (Part 10): Bad things happen to good people, but they happen to bad people, too. *
- Size Does Matter, by BlackHole (Part 10): Jane is a trooper, I'll give her that.
- Stacy Rowe, Seeker (Part II), by jtranser (continued): We visit the office of Luhrman Barksdale Investigations, 35 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, Illinois . . . wait a minute. Luhrman Barksdale?
- Surprises, by legendeld (Part 16): Time for the scandal to end all scandals.
- Turnabout Confusion Part II: All The King's Horses, by Dennis (continued): Someone is thinking of helping Daria and Quinn. There will be blood, for sure.
- The 1,001 Deaths of Tom Sloane, by just about everybody (continued): Nice to see folks enjoying the same wholesome, productive hobby.
* Contains mature content. Brace yourself.
More later. I hope to do the science-fiction page for DariaWiki this week. Wish me luck.
1 comment:
Let me know if I am not getting the tag lines correct. As I've said many times, I am a fanfic slut and like just about anything Daria-ish.
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