Saturday, March 27, 2010

It's Viagra Day! Go, Upchuck!

Yes, it's been a loooong twelve years since Viagra was turned loose upon the world, and that merits mention here only because of Upchuck, who probably doesn't need it. (A recent fanfic making use of Viagra appears here.)

This is National Joe Day, but there are no Joes in Daria, except for this one, who was in this story.

The namesake of a certain well-known Daria fan & writer was born this day 165 years ago. It also seems today is when you should mark the festivities of Earth Hour, which means to just shut off any electricity you don't need.

DariaWiki chugs along at a great pace with many new pages, helped along by the likes of Brother Grimace, CR85747, Richard Lobinske, Doggieboy, Disco316, Kara Wild, JPAGC, Quiverwing, Roentgen, Darkkuno, Jim North, Ticknart, and Boandpop (vlora). Thank you, one and all!

ART UPDATE! Richard Lobinske has updated the art listing for 2010! Great stuff out there!

  • NEW! collar, by Jim North (COMPLETE!): Stacy trailed off and put a hand over her mouth. "I'm sorry, this may be going a little too fast. Can we just skip it for toni—" "No," Sandi suddenly said, standing up straight and crossing her arms. "She wanted to know everything about our lifestyle, so we should tell her." "Sandi, I—" "It's the punishment stool," Sandi continued with lethal calm. "Whenever Stacy does something bad, I put the stool in the middle of the living room and she has to sit on it until I think she's learned her lesson." [NEW! Ending is here: "Welcome back." Quinn lifted her face to see Stacy sitting on the steps beside her. The other woman was still in her collar and bedclothes, and she was staring up at the predawn sky. Quinn tried to speak, found her throat to be stuffed up with phlegm, and had to stop and clear it.] (SFMB)
  • Finn Morgendorffer 39: That S-E-X Word, by HolyGrail2007 (Part 3): Maybe I should just stop thinking about this, Finn thought. Jane knows I haven’t done anything like this. And she hasn’t, I know that for a fact. So, there’s no, like, expectations or anything. I can get through it. I. Can. Do. This. Finn smiled to himself. He almost didn’t make it to the bathroom before throwing up.
  • The Hallowed Halls of Fielding, by Roentgen (Part 20): How can someone who doesn't even know about YouTube know about the Khaki Barn?
  • NEW! Jacob Morgendorffer, Esq., by CAP (Part 6): As for the area itself, quiet was the word that came immediately into Helen’s mind.... The tracks were perhaps a bit close but Helen enjoyed the cadence of a passing train. It conjured the romance of travel especially when its seductive rhythm teased her in the deep dark of night. It was an aural aphrodisiac. Jake felt the same way. Quinn likely owned her existence to a passing Norfolk Southern zipping past their home one warm late spring night.


Kristen Bealer said...

This is National Joe Day, but there are no Joes in Daria, except for this one, who was in this story.

Jeffy and Jamie strongly agree with the above, at least when Quinn is around. :D

The Angst Guy said...

That's Joe-y. No one calls him Joe. I rest my case.

WildBlogintheWest said...

I think I made, like, one tweak to a page. ;)

The Angst Guy said...

Still counts!