Today is also Frozen Foods Day in honor of the frozen- then- microwaved lasagna that seems to be on Daria's plate at almost every meal. You think I am making up the Frozen Foods Day thing, but I am not. President Reagan made it so (see link).
- A Brave Dead World, by 11tee (COMPLETE!): Her hands ripped the last vestige of the football jersey away, her teeth pulling at the flesh. There was a whimper as his life ebbed. Others were closing in for the fresh kill...
- Finn Morgendorffer 35: The Fat Chick, by HolyGrail2007 (Part 4): I have this sudden feeling that a great period in my life has just come to an end, and I never really enjoyed it, Finn thought to himself. [Just occurred to me that Sandi broke her leg in this story on the exact anniversary of the day she was shown breaking it in reality. Coincidence? I think not.]
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