Today is also the spring equinox, at 1:32 PM EST (adjust for your time zone). You may dance around the Maypole and throw flowers or whatever. It's *Spring*! (This holiday is applicable to the Northern Hemisphere only; it's the autumnal equinox below the equator, where everything is backwards.)

Oh, and it is also Extraterrestrial Abductions Day. Srsly. Poor Artie. Tiffany is the E.T. poster girl at right.
The downside is, a tragic event occurred six years ago today in one of the many Dariaverses out there. A sad and magnificent story.
Do you know of any other crossover appearances of characters from Daria besides those given here? If so, drop a note and the item will be added to DariaWiki.
- The Artist and The Burnout, a marvelous image of which Jim North says, "Nobody saw this coming." I sure didn't.
- The Hallowed Halls of Fielding, by Quiverwing. Miracles never cease!!!
- NEW! Quinn and Stacy from the Daria: Hunter series, by Jim North. Teh awesomeness!!!
- EVEN NEWER! Tom and a very pissed-off Andrea from Daria: Hunter! PAR-TAY!!!
- Finn Morgendorffer 38: Fractures, by HolyGrail2007 (Part 1): “I understand if you’re weirded out. I mean, dating your buddy's ex doesn't jive with the dude code.” “The code is malleable. Us guys are nothing if not understanding of our buddies. You two are both my friends, and I care that your happy. If you’re happy and she’s happy, that’s all I’m concerned about.”
- Getting a Bye, by Disco316 (COMPLETE): Daria sat in her room, pondering how best to phrase her question for the first, and quite possibly last, test she’d ever have to give. As she finalized her test, a knock was heard at her door. She saved her work and called, “Chaos reigns within.” The door opened, revealing Sandi. She was wearing a very low-cut burgundy top with a black micro miniskirt. “Hello, Daria.” Daria looked around, unsure what to think of the scantily-clad Fashion Club president before her. “Um, I think you have the wrong room, Sandi.” “Oh, Daria, Quinn and your parents left for a movie,” said Sandi. “They won’t be back for a couple hours. This is between you and me.”
- Stacy Rowe, Seeker, by jtranser (continued): "As far as ThirdSight is concerned, you're just another predator trying to get in the game. And the only thing they haven't yet decided is what sort of cage to put you in."
- Uplinked, by Silver (COMPLETE!): Hiro: Cynic, this is insane. / RacheIsGod: All the more reason to go for it. / CynicalData: Shut up, please. I'm working. (Daria/Cyberpunk 2020 RPG)
1 comment:
Thanks to UU and Pinhead for the images!
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