Today is also Maryland Day, which would have had little effect on Daria and Jane even if they did live near Baltimore. Lord Baltimore and others founded the colony of Maryland 374 years ago. Brittany might have worked out a cheer for it, though.
Fifty-three years ago, Allen Ginsburg's poem "Howl" was declared obscene by U.S. Customs. This is the poem Daria tried reading to retirement-home seniors in "The Old and the Beautiful" ("I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn looking for an angry fix. . . .").
An interesting analysis of two Daria episodes, "Too Cute" and "Pierce Me," appears online here. A fan site I hadn't noticed before, The Daria Goodies Page, offers stuff to download. And another "adoptable" webpage on Daria is available on FanCast Beta.
On DariaWiki, Roentgen continues to improve on his already excellent list of Daria episodes, giving their original showtimes and plot summaries as well. Brother Grimace, Scissors MacGillicutty, and Richard Lobinske added more material as well.
A couple of updates:
- Legion of Lawndale Heroes, Volume Two, by Brother Grimace (LLH 12.6 – ‘Bop Till You Drop, Part II’): The Big Bopper continues, and many get the bopping of their lives.
- Stacy Rowe, Seeker (Part II), by jtranser (continued): Now he has arisen: he who long slept, from the depth arisen, out of arches strong...
Any more Dariacons being planned?
Well, if I get a chance to make it to Wonderfest this year...
This makes me remember that I need more of "The Other". :p
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