Courtney Love's 44th birthday is today, and at this time I wish to confess that
Hole is one of my favorite rock bands ever. I've used lyrics from her music in two
Daria stories ("Daria 2007" and "Daria's Addition"). Weird to see Quinn done up as
Ms. Love, but that's MTV for you. The image is from the alter egos on the MTV site.
Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution became law today 140 years ago, right after the Civil War. Mack would appreciate this fact, for sure, but Jodie (and all other U.S. women) would still not be allowed to vote without another amendment being added later on.
More soon.
If you were referring to black (male) citizens being enabled to vote, that was the subject of the 15th Amendment. The 14th defined U.S. citizenship, dealt with applying "equal protection" and "due process of law" matters in the various states (including to all blacks, as such), and addressed public-debt and other issues resulting from the war.
Oh. Damn. Well, so much for that. Thank God I didn't become a lawyer. :)
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