Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"That's funny, because it's the exact opposite of the truth, right?"

Today is not Opposite Day! This is not the day when you say the opposite of what you mean and there is absolutely no chance that any statements, answers to questions, or blog posts could become unnecessarily confusing.

Also, Kevin Thompson is a brilliant man, Daria and Trent are meant to be together forever, and chocolate is totally overrated.

Now I will not be sharing any fandom news!

1 comment:

WildBlogintheWest said...

Those of you who may be trying (and failing) to get onto PPMB: the board has not crashed. I received an email from the Site5 maintenance personnel, who said this:

"Your server experienced a service failure recently resulting in the need for us to perform a reboot. As a result, we are scheduling maintenance to perform a manual file system check (FSCK) between the hours of 12am and 2am CT tonight to ensure there is not data corruption on the hard drives. We do not anticipate this taking more than a couple hours barring major problems being detected by the FSCK.

We will post updates in our Forums (http://forums.site5.com/forumdisplay.php?f=4) throughout the scheduled maintenance.

If you have any questions regarding this email, please contact Technical Support via the Support tab in Backstage.

Best Regards,
The Site5 Team"

So feel free to check the updates, as stated above, especially if this lasts longer than two hours.