Fanfic Update!
- Hit the Blum-Deckler, by Vaahti (COMPLETE!): "Jane comes in with homework. 'I thought their intentions were making me want to kill myself LESS,' said Daria."
- Lawndale 2021, by Anguirus1955 (part 12): "'Look, I'm-I'm just gonna' lay my cards on the table. Maybe you'll think it sounds crazy, and who knows? Maybe I am crazy, but if this is crazy, babe, then I don't want to be sane. I'm in love with you, Wendy,' Captain Murphy said."
- The Many Doctors - Chapter 32, by cfardell_Brenorenz29 (part 3): "The Doctor looked at the Drahvin. She looked similar to all other Drahvins he had faced off against. 'How did you get in here?' she asked."
- Night Witches, by Panzerfaust 150 (part 10): "President Reagan and his National Security Team were assembled in the Situation Room, for the now-usual morning military briefing."
- See Jane Ride, by dammit.taken (part 2): "Silence. The woman sat on her bicycle looking down the trail."
- Sisters and Friends, by metameric1 (parts 25 and 26): "'I want one of these things,' Annie smiled, driving the last of the nails into her new bed frame. She reached over and shut off the little compressor, setting the air nailer back into its case." (Part 26)
- Unnamed story (World's Shortest Crossover, Part XIV: The Crossover Awakens!), by Roentgen (COMPLETE!): "Daria and her classmates wake up groggily. They are in their nightclothes or in various states of undress."
- You'll Know When You Have Kids of Your Own, by metameric1 (part 7): "After a long moment, Daria opened her eyes and handed the headphones back to her husband. 'Damn, she's good.'"