Two days ago on Thursday, it was the eighth sappy anniversary of the premiere of "Sappy Anniversary," from the fifth and last season of Daria. I wonder how else that episode could have turned out. Jake could have been kept on by Buzzdome Dot Com, Daria could have continued waiting for Tom to remember their six-month anniversary until she snapped and ran over him with her mother's SUV, UFOs could have landed, anything could have happened.
This is about the time of year that a story by Dennis takes place. Try to guess it before you click this link.
More soon. Gotta get stuff done here.
BACK! Undefinedlust posted two questions for Daria fandom: Which unfinished fanfic do you most want to see finished? & In whose world do you most want to play (i.e., write more stories about)? Read and respond!
Latest additions to DariaWiki: Cradle, by Brother Grimace, and Fife in the Fast Lane, by Disco316. Both Brother Grimace and Disco316, plus Dennis, DocForbin, Ranchoth, Doggieboy, and Drmike have given DariaWiki a good going-over. Thank you! More help is needed, if anyone else has time.
- Liquid Diet, by Smileyfax (Part 6): They were at the PayDay, picking up a few items in bulk. Daria held a jumbo can of lighter fluid in one hand already, while Jane had a five-pound can of coffee. (The Lane household was running low on the stuff—she had no intention of battling vampires with it.)
- Acts of Cupidity, by Disco316 (Part 4): “She drank his wine, he drank in her beauty, and then they drank each other’s blood! Love, Transylvanian Style, next on Sick Sad World!”
- All in the Family...Guy, by peapotmaster (Part 2): "Life’s a bitch, and so am I."
- Hearts, by UU (Part 1): "Sorry for waking you up and dragging you out of the house, but I needed company today," said Jane, mystery in her voice. (Story has been CONTINUED!)
- John Lane 39: Leaving Summer (Part 1): "Good one, Morgendorffer," she said, sounding very much like her mother. "You're the dating expert; why didn't you see that coming?"
- A New Set of Rules, by Dennis (Part 6): Dangerously close to a Daria/Kevin 'shipper, here. Wait! Look out! AAAAAAAAHHH!!!! You mentioned Brittany and Kentucky in the same sentence! AAAAAAAAHH!!
- Turnabout Confusion Part II: All The King's Horses, by Dennis (continued): "What do you think we should do?" Ted said, not needing to elaborate. They both knew what he was talking about.